Thursday, December 17, 2009

5 more days

Now that I've moved up my surgery date, I realized I needed to finish up my Christmas shopping. I'm done, although I need to go to the post office to mail a package to NJ for my brother's kids. I just might pay my son to do this for me.

I also bought food for my liquid Monday and for after I get home from the hospital. I think I'm all set.

I've been feeling fairly selfish lately. I haven't been making dinner since I'm not eating it and I've just been offering up casual dinners for Nicole (daughter) and Rob (the hubs). My son seldom eats with us. It's hard to come up with dinner for a vegetarian (Nik), a dieter (me) and my biking hubs who needs carbs.

I've got to my gifts wraps before Tuesday!!

1 comment:

  1. I're a mom. They'll starve if you don't fix them anything...personally I think Nik is WAY too young to be a vegetarian-especially being as active AND still growing as she is!

    Come to Norway-they wrap gifts for you right there at the counter!
